Excel Files #2     .xls only


  • Here are a few (sometimes strange) spreadsheets ...
  • To run a spreadsheet, just Click on the File Name ...this sometimes works
  • To download a file to your PC, RIGHT-click on the File Name and select Save target
File NameDate last modifiedSize in kbytes
ACB.xlsMar 5, 200112
AM-GM.xlsFeb 25, 200316
DCA-stuff.xlsMar 27, 200139
DCA-TSE.xlsNov 19, 200273
Excel-Lessons.xlsAug 10, 20021351
final-portfolio.xlsFeb 3, 200322
income-estimate.xlsFeb 23, 200126
KenM.xlsMay 20, 200339
Last-Will.docOct 22, 200138
LifeExpectancy.xlsMar 2, 200349
LIF_MaxWithdrawal.xlsFeb 18, 200010
MC-rebalancing.xlsDec 16, 2002148
MER.xlsSep 21, 200222
MRW-2.xlsJun 14, 200328
MRW.xlsAug 13, 200330
nash-2.xlsFeb 24, 200343
nash-3.xlsFeb 26, 200340
nash-4.xlsFeb 26, 200339
nash-5.xlsFeb 28, 200362
nash.xlsFeb 24, 200322
portfolio.xlsMar 4, 200327
reincarnation-1.xlsSep 14, 200390
reincarnation.xlsFeb 9, 2003194
saving-for-retirement.xlsMar 13, 200318
SP-PE-ratios.xlsSep 4, 2002174
stock-bond-ratio.xlsMar 13, 200425
stock-price-distribution.xlsMay 18, 200335
SWR-saving.xlsMay 30, 200317
Value-Averaging.xlsMay 14, 2003219
withdrawal-test.xlsMay 20, 200340
withdrawals.xlsAug 12, 200345