About Us

Welcome to the Financial Wisdom Forum (FWF), a place where Canadian investors meet for financial education and empowerment. There are two main symbiotic elements to FWF, our wiki, finiki, the Canadian financial wiki and our discussion forum.


finiki, the Canadian financial wiki is a knowledge base of financial subjects for Canadian investors. It is a collaborative work that pulls together the nuggets of information that have been built up in the discussion forum (and elsewhere), but in a much easier format to navigate and search. As discussions progress on the forum, new, or sometimes even old information can lead to updates to corresponding finiki articles. Which may generate more discussion, more finiki updates, and the community’s knowledge grows and expands.

If you are a new investor looking for help and guidance, you might want to start with Getting started or give finiki’s search a try. Or start with finiki’s Help:Navigation article.

Discussion Forum

The discussion forum is where FWF members carry on discussions about everything related to Canadian financial matters. Individual investors can pose questions about financial matters of all kinds, help answer others’ questions, and provide information that might be of interest to do-it-yourself investors. We hope that this will help you to invest on your own, or at least to have more informed conversations with financial advisers.

We encourage newcomers who may have little or no knowledge of finance. There are no stupid questions. In answering, please remember that we were all beginners once.

You can visit the forum as a guest, i.e. without registering, or you can register. Only registered members can post new messages or have access to the non-financial sections. Registration is free.

The forum is moderated. Please be courteous and constructive. Ask yourself whether you are advancing the discussion. You are requested to read  and comply with our forum rules.

Archived websites

In the interest of keeping useful Canadian investing information available, FWF also maintains a small handful of archived websites. These sites include (in order of arrival here on FWF):

How the site operates

This site is independent and non-commercial. We do not accept money or other benefits from providers of investment products or advice. We do not allow advertising of any kind on this site. The site is run by volunteers, with the help of donations from the members.

We do not recommend specific products or services, nor are we registered financial advisers or planners. We do have a lot of collective wisdom to share. Ultimately, however, many financial questions do not have a right or wrong answer, but rather a range of options. While we can provide information, you must weigh the pros and cons in light of your specific situation.

Our administrative contact can be reached using Contact us.